(Note: This story appears in the June 2022 issue of SE Magazine)

LuvSlide is the second product from Perfect Dimensions and is a dual function sexual aid device for couples.

Perfect Dimensions is a relatively new player to the adult industry game. Formed in 2021, the company’s innovators spent years working on developing the MateFix, a product so unique the design and use are patent protected.

“Our goal is simply to add some flavor and to stand out from the thousands of other products flooding the market,” says Ana Warren with Perfect Dimensions. “Our uniqueness stems from the design, the comfort and the versatility of the product.”

Housed under the company’s 2ChooseLove brand, MateFix provides the ideal shape and dimensions for its users.

“It perfectly fits the internal shape of the woman to avoid uncomfortable movements,” says Warren. Through the toy’s 15 settings, users can heighten or reduce intensity, tension and vibrations according to their pleasure. And while the name would imply it’s a couples’ product, MateFix is suited for solo fun as well.

Now, Perfect Dimensions has its sights set on its next product: The LuvSlide. SE Magazine spoke with Warren about the company’s second product and how it stands to keep perfecting pleasure.

SE: For those who are unaware, what is the LuvSlide?

WARREN: The LuvSlide is the only truly dual-function, patent-protected, sexual aid device for couples that changes the dimensions for both male and female during lovemaking and that has multiple ways of utilizing it’s dual functions — either floating inside the female or attached to the male.

SE: You showed off the LuvSlide at Altitude — what was the reaction/reception?

WARREN: Every person that stopped at our booth absolutely loved the LuvSlide. They loved the uniqueness; how powerful it is. They quickly realized there truly isn’t anything like it in the market. The second and last day of the show we got twice the traffic due to people stopping by asking if we were the booth with the “awesome LuvSlide.”

SE: How does LuvSlide complement/reflect the Perfect Dimensions brand and the MateFix?

WARREN: The 2ChooseLove brand is based on the abstracts of its two patents: A sexual aid device and method for inserting and occupying space within a human female’s vagina to provide a sensation of increased fullness to the female and a sensation of increased tightness and friction to a penis of a human male during sexual intercourse, thereby enhancing sexual arousal for both parties. Because of this protected method, the 2ChooseLove brand can create unimaginable amounts of products, only limited by the imagination and creative abilities of the design team. At present, The MateFix is already on the market and the LuvSlide is in production and should be shipping to customers in June/July.

SE: What helps the LuvSlide stand out in a crowded market?

WARREN: The fact that we own the aforementioned method makes it standout as no one else can design or claim to do what we can for couples who have been together for decades and want a little fun and want to change their dimensions during their lovemaking.

For more information, visit perfectdimensionsllc.com.