Download the Media Kit now, click here!
For more information please contact Kris Kay at (727) 723-8827
or email
STOREROTICA (SE) Magazine is the leading resource for the pleasure product community. Meeting at the critical intersection of manufacturers and store owners, SE is the industry’s bimonthly B2B publication geared specifically toward the owners and buyers at adult retail locations, particularly in North America.
PRINT Promotion!
Reach thousands of store owners & buyers, and hundreds of industry professionals in every issue of our bimonthly B2B magazine, including many opportunities for free promotion in Special Focus editorials!
INTERNET Promotion!
Tap into free PR promotion via our B2B website, as well as our e-Blasts, e-Newsletters, social media feeds and more!
IN-PERSON Promotion!
STOREROTICA is handed out at the ANME and Altitude shows and produces the Official ANME Show Guide (July show).
The SE Tab quite literally stands out of the magazine with your branded tab! This tab-page includes two full-page ads (front & back) plus your branded tab. Limited placements available per issue! Just $2,499!
The STOREROTICA Bookmark features heavy-stock paper, and is also perforated so that readers can pop your bookmark out and use it, giving this ad a much longer shelf life! Just $1,699!
STOREROTICA Magazine is mailed for free to thousands of adult retail stores in the U.S. as well as to hundreds of industry vendors and business professionals. This provides you direct-to-the-buyer marketing opportunities in a magazine that’s read by the people who matter to YOU!
Print Circulation: 6,500
Frequency: Bimonthly
Digital Circulation: SE Online issue, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram
Distribution: USPS Mail, ANME, Altitude, online/digital issue
Awards: StorErotica Awards in conjunction with ANME
Online: and social media
Display Advertisement Prices
1-time | 3-time | 6-time | |
Full Page | $1,199 | $1,149 | $1,099 |
1/2 page | $749 | $699 | $649 |
1/3 page | $399 | $349 | $299 |
Ask about our AD Special Packages!
The “Editorial Focus” and “Hot Products!” sections in STOREROTICA spotlight products and services of interest to erotic retail store owners and buyers—for free! We welcome submissions from all companies; send your new product press release and photos to Kristofer Kay at
Advertorial Prices
Front Cover $7,799
—Front cover artwork and 4-page cover story
Focus Cover $5,899
—Hard-stock cover inside issue, 3 pages of editorial
2-Page Spotlight $2,199
—Full-page ad facing full article, or 2-page article
SE Magazine “Advertorials” are advertisements in the form of articles, designed specifically to read like a standard editorial page. Advertorials are available in print, online or both. Free editorial coverage is also available via our “Hot Products” section.
Formats: EPS, PDF, JPEG, TIFF • Resolution: CMYK and 300 DPI
Bleed: For full add .125 all sides.
Submissions: Send artwork to
Our commitment to online expansion has led to the “upgraded”, which offers a more user-friendly experience and several new online advertising and marketing avenues. In addition to our website, STOREROTICA also provides several other digital marketing opportunities. These include direct email “e-Blasts” to SE’s targeted databases; sponsored content and banner advertising within the SE e-newsletter and on; and exposure via SE’s ever-increasing social media presence.
Custom Email Blasts!
Promote directly to our exclusive email database of pleasure product store owners & buyers and other industry professionals.
Advanced e-Blast ……………. $1,199
Can include multiple graphics, multiple
links, embedded video, text, etc.
Basic e-Blast ………………….. $599
One graphic with one link.
Social Shout-Outs!
Promote directly via our exclusive STOREROTICA social channels, including Facebook & Instagram (over 10K followers!)
Social Shout-Out ……………. $499
Can include multiple graphics, multiple links, and customized text.
SE E-Newsletter!
Promote your products and services with a banner on SE’s weekly e-Newsletter!
“Presented By” Banner at top of newsletters:
$2,499 per month (3-month minimum)
3-Month Banner ……………… $1,499
1-Month Banner ……………… $899
Visit our site today to see all of the great features and user-friendly design. In addition to the plethora of press releases featured at the top of the page (a FREE service of SE), the site also has such sections as “Toy Talk,” “Shop Talk,” “Blog Talk” and featured videos, all on the home page. There are several marketing opportunities on our new site, including:
NEW FOR 2025
Pop-up Banner (per month) $1,299
Please contact SE for more information
Title Banner (per month, 3-month minimum) $2,499
Top of page banner on all web pages
Prime Banner (per month) $899
Prime placement on home page and article pages
Select Banner (per month) $599
Banner placement within select article pages
6-Time Ad Packages
A FULL YEAR’s worth of coverage!
• Six full-page display advertisements (one every issue) in SE Magazine!
• Six personalized email blasts!
• Full-page editorial profile in the magazine and on
Total cost: $11,287
discounted rate: $9,599*
3-Time Ad Packages
Hit three key issues!
• Three full-page display advertisements in three issues of SE Magazine
Brochure Insert
Your brochure or
flyer mailed with
SE Magazine!
• 1oz………..$4,299
• 2oz………..$5,199
• 3oz………..$6,499
• Three personalized email blasts!
• Full-page editorial profile in the
magazine and on
Total cost: $6,343
discounted rate: $5,990*
SE Special Focuses click here!
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