Welcome to Kinkyville, an upcoming animated series offering comprehensive education on kink culture, is close to hitting its $54,000 Kickstarter campaign goal.

The campaign, which closes Thursday September 9, was created to fund the series’ pitch pilot episode. So far, the campaign has received over $47,000 of its $54,000 goal from campaign backers. The project will only be funded if 100% of the goal is reached.

Combining animation with playful humor, Welcome to Kinkyville will teach viewers about the fundamental skills and concepts of kink and fetish within a safe, responsible and dynamic learning environment. The series will be geared towards kink culture newcomers.

Welcome To Kinkyville is hosted by creator, writer and producer Emily Blake, and co-hosted by Millennial Sexpert Javay da BAE, a sex educator and lifestyle kinkster.

A seasoned lineup of additional sexual wellness educators are slated to participate, including Andre Shakti, Amp and Mr. Kristofer from Watts the Safeword, as well as Polyamory Weekly’s Cunning Minx and Lusty Guy.

Character design and animation were developed by award-winning, woman-owned Lucy Animation Studio, based in Bogota, Colombia. The pitch pilot episode will be directed and produced by entertainment industry veteran Gabriel Figueroa.

To help the project reach its $54,000 Kickstarter goal by September 9, click here.

View the Welcome to Kinkyville trailer here. Follow project updates on Instagram.

For sponsorship inquiries, please contact welcometokinkyville@gmail.com.