Magazines for the gay community recommend the new premium personal lubricant

The new premium personal lubricant pjur INFINITY is recommended in the latest issues of blu, hinnerk, gab, rik and LEO. The blu media group magazines are sold in big cities throughout Germany and focus on relevant topics for the gay community around culture, wellness, design, fashion and travel –- and now they are reporting pjur’s new personal lubricant, too.

The editorial teams at the men’s magazines were impressed by both the high-quality and the contemporary look that breaks the mould of the usual packaging in the adult industry. This makes it the perfect accessory for any bedside table and a must for every stylish bedroom.

“pjur INFINITY expands the pjur portfolio with a luxury product: the usual pjur ‘Made in Germany’ quality, but with an exceptional design featuring a contemporary, elegant look that speaks to customers looking for something special. And a growing number of editorial teams at large lifestyle magazines are impressed by that –- in the gay community, too,” says Alexander Giebel, CEO & founder of pjur.

About pjur

As a brand, pjur (pronounced pure) stands for improving the sex life and quality of life of people worldwide. pjur helps people to discover their passion and joy, enabling them to enjoy carefree sex and enhance their sexual well-being. The portfolio comprises over 60 premium intimate products in a range of different categories, including premium water and silicone-based personal lubricants, stimulation and delay products and specialist products for niche areas.