There are plenty of risks involved in sex, even the “vanilla kind”: such as pregnancy, STIs, falling in love…But in penis-in-vagina (PIV) sex, a risk you might not normally think of while you’re riding out your greatest western fantasy is the possibility of bending the penis-haver’s contribution the wrong way…and actually “breaking” the penis.

Careful with the yee-haw! According to Dr. Karan Rajan, an NHS Surgeon popular on TikTok, the most dangerous position for a “penis pop” is none other than the reverse cowgirl. Dr. Rajan shares via Cosmopolitan that the reverse cowgirl is the most dangerous sex position, as it’s responsible for 50 percent of penile fractures alone.

The risk of reverse cowgirl is that if both partners get out of sync or there’s any erratic thrusting, the penis can slip out of the vagina and, in the heat of the moment, the rider’s pubic bone could crush the penis. Ouch. In spite of the misnomer for an erect penis, a “boner,” a penis doesn’t actually have any bones, and a “broken penis” actually refers to a tear in the frenulum or the tunica albuginea.

“This is a rubbery sheath of tissue that allows the penis to enlarge during an erection,” explains Dr. Rajan, in the TikTok video which was posted in 2021, but has been recirculating due to, presumably, an increase in the popularity of this dangerous sex position.

Ness Cooper, a therapist and clinical sexologist at Je Joue, adds, “All sex positions where penetration is involved can result in penile fractures, although there are some sex positions where it is a higher risk, such as reverse cowgirl. This isn’t the first time the media has highlighted reverse cowgirl as a higher risk sex position for penile fractures.”

Risk-takers be warned.

“Penis fractures can lead to an increased chance of experiencing peyronie’s disease which can affect the tunica albuginea in the penis, an important part of the anatomy when it comes to being able to maintain an erection as well as a straight shaft,” warns Cooper.

If you still want to enjoy some girl-topping, Gigi Engle, resident sexpert at, offers three important tips for this challenging position:

1. Be intentional.

“Being intentional with this position is a really good way to ensure you’re thinking through execution before just hopping on board,” suggests Engle. “We get wrapped up in the porn tropes surrounding reverse cowgirl and, because of the performance aspect of this, we can kind of jump on and not really think through how we’re moving. If we’re taking the position seriously, seeking it out both for visuals but also mutual pleasure, we can figure out a way to move that is less aggressive or bouncy, and more about what feels good.”

2. Be careful of the bounce.

“Be careful with how you’re bouncing, because it’s really the slip out and coming down at the wrong angle that can cause injury,” Engle cautions. “Plus, it’s honestly exhausting. I’d suggest instead rocking back and forth, this can give you some good, deep penetration with the ability to use your other hand for a toy or your hand on your clitoris. This position isn’t just about giving your partner a show, it’s about both people having pleasure. I’d suggest leaning back as well, planting both hands on your partner’s thighs for balance, if you feel unsteady. Alternatively, you can lean forward and use the bed for support, if that feels more comfortable.”

3. Go slowly!

“You don’t need to do this position really quickly,” advises Engle. “Take your time climbing on, be careful to ease yourself down. You can move more slowly during sex, as this can help with feeling more in control. Remember that sex positions are all customizable, and we don’t need to perform like professionals to enjoy them.”

If all this fails, Cosmpolitan offers advice for mending your “broken banjo strings.”
Read the original Cosmo story here.