A few drops of lubricant can make everything your customer does in the bedroom even better—if they choose the right product.

by Mistress Kay

If there’s one thing virtually all sex educators agree on, it’s lube. Lubricant can be absolutely vital to some sexual activities—and it can make other activities even more enjoyable. Lubricant will always be required for anal activities, and it can make vaginal activities even more fun.

Some people even prefer to masturbate with lubricant.
Inexpensive and easy to use, lubricant is often overlooked.

But it shouldn’t be. A few drops can make everything else your customers do in the bedroom even better—if they choose the right product for their purposes. Here are some tips to provide them.

1Your lifestyle choices
Do your customers know their lifestyle choices can come into the bedroom as well? Whether they’re trying to be more eco-friendly, prefer organic materials, or keep a vegan lifestyle, those are things they may want to consider with your lube as well. Make sure they look over the ingredient labels to ensure they’re vegan or organic. Check with the manufacturer’s practices to learn about how they treat social responsibility and how they source their ingredients.

2Contemplate your toys
Is your customer planning on using sex toys with their lubricant? If so, they need to know what their sex toys are made out of. Some silicone sex toys may not be compatible with silicone-based lubricants. Encourage unknowing customers to do a quick “spot-test” using a small dab of silicone lubricant on a non-essential part of the silicone toy and see how the two react. If your customer would rather not worry about material compatibility or plans on expanding their toy collection with new toys in the future, urge them to consider a water-based lubricant; it’s compatible with everything.

3Peruse the bottle tops
Does your customer prefer a one-handed approach to their bottle of lubricant? Would they rather leave the bottle on the bedside table and never have to pick it up? Think about how their lubricant gets applied. If they prefer something that stays out and may only need one hand to apply, they could consider a pump-top lubricant. If they prefer something that can be squeezed for every last drop, a squeeze bottle may be a better choice.

4Muse over discretion
While we’re on the topic of packaging, you’ve thought about the discretion aspect already, haven’t you? If your customer is concerned about someone coming across the lubricant and instantly knowing what it is, they might want to avoid bottles called “AnalLube” or “SexLube.” Steer them to bottles that have less sexualized packaging or product names to increase the discretion in case the bottle happens to be found.

5Weigh in about oral application
Does your customer plan on tasting or licking the area after it’s been lubricated? If your customer enjoys long sex sessions where they like to alternate between penetration and oral sex, they’ll want to choose a lubricant that has a neutral or pleasurable taste. If they’re trying to find a good taste, I recommend selecting sample-sized bottles to try out the taste before picking up a gigantic bottle. Some people prefer a neutral/organic lubricant for the very-slight medicinal taste over the flavored lubricants that can occasionally taste extremely fake. If your customer is going to be using the lubricant around a sensitive vagina, make sure to ensure the lubricant has minimal (preferably none) amounts of sugar in it.

6Know your body
Part of choosing a good lubricant includes knowing about the user’s body. This is especially important for those who have to take care of a vagina. If a potential customer has sensitivities, some lubricants can upset the balance of the vagina. Most lubricants are made with different ratios of ingredients, so finding a good lubricant may be a matter of trying out a variety of choices. If your customer knows they have sensitivities, show them lubricants that are labeled as organic or pH-balanced to reduce the likelihood of any problems.

7Think about your fertility
Did you know that most lubricants can make it more difficult to conceive? Because of how they’re designed and how much “thicker” they can make the vaginal canal to get through, they can hinder efforts to get pregnant. It’s not a method of birth control by any means, but if there’s trouble conceiving, it may be time to take a closer look at the lubricant. If pregnancy is your customer’s goal, check out lubricants especially made for couples who want to get pregnant. A couple of brands to check out include Astroglide TTC, Pre-Seed, Yes Baby, and Sasmar Conceive Plus. If nothing else, advise they switch to an organic lubricant to reduce some of the harsher ingredients that may reduce their likelihood of conception.

8Ponder about special sensations
If your customer is looking for more than just slickness during sex, it’s time to explore a lubricant equipped with special sensations. While most lubricants are just designed to lubricate, the most-recent trend includes lubes designed to stimulate. If your customer would like to add something more to their sensation, show them a lube that warms, cools, tingles, or numbs.

If your customer or their partner has skin or genital sensitivities, make sure they apply it very lightly and be prepared to stop if the lubricant causes irritation. While many couples can enjoy these sensation-filled lubricants without a problem, some people find that the ingredients can cause unpleasant feelings.

There are hundreds of sexual lubricants out there to choose from, but now your customer has a good basis of what to look for when they’re selecting a good one for them.

Mistress Kay has a fondness for all things sexual. With a house that’s quickly running out of room for all of her reading and vibrating pleasures, she spends her free time reading, writing, and learning about the sexual universe with her partners. She can be reached at Kinky World.