As a distributor, our role in retail support is to ensure that our customers have the products they need to serve their clientele as swiftly and conveniently as possible. Traditionally, this means shipping to a brick-and-mortar store, where the product is displayed on shelf space with extra inventory stored in the back.

But for ecommerce businesses, stocking and shipping can be more complicated. Many online sellers operate from home with limited storage space. Or brick-and-mortar retailers with webstores may not have time to ship daily orders in addition to managing a storefront.

Nalpac dropshipping services solve these issues by shipping your customers’ orders from your webstore directly to them. You sell the product without needing to warehouse it or ship it yourself.

Why dropship?

Online retailers can stock product without having to store it as well as save time by leaving the shipping to us. Our warehouse is your warehouse.

How do Nalpac dropshipping services work?

In short, dropshipping accounts forward their customers’ orders onto us, and we take care of the rest for a small fee. This can be done through our customer portal, contact with your sales rep, or connection to Nalpac’s API.

Our customer portal is sophisticated but simple to use. Upload your orders via spreadsheet and track invoices with our intuitively designed interface.

Dropshipping customers can also connect to Nalpac’s API (Application Programming Interface), which will sync Nalpac’s inventory to yours, eliminating the need to upload individual orders. This will require hiring your own developer or third-party inventory management software.

All Nalpac fulfillment accounts have a dedicated sales rep as well as a team of customer service reps available to help at any time.

If the item ships from Nalpac’s warehouse, will my business name be on it?

Yes! You can customize your own packing slip with your address, business name, and contact info, which will be included on all orders.

Who is eligible to use dropshipping services?

All Nalpac customers, including brick-and-mortar retailers, webstores, Amazon and eBay sellers, and home party planners, are eligible to save time and space with our dropshipping services.

Please note, many influencers, blogs, and social media pages lead aspiring entrepreneurs to believe that opening a dropshipping store is an investment that runs itself. In truth, successful webstores invest time to build a customer base with high visibility and trustworthy service. If you’re ready to do so, you’re ready to be a dropshipper!

What resources do you have to help build and maintain my online store?

Nalpac’s data feed offers manufacturer product images to populate your product listings. Also in the data feed are hourly updated inventory and daily updated MSRP pricing, MAP pricing, and item dimensions.

How do I sign up?

To learn more or to begin working with Nalpac, reach out at any time to or call 800-837-5946. Visit the Nalpac website to sign up for the email newsletter